This is it! It’s now or never! (or at least until there is another awesome BOGO week…)
These BOGO weeks only happen a couple times a year. Even if you are not a power user of oils (yet) there is still value in picking up the items offered during a BOGO week. Oils have a long shelf life and quite honestly once you start using them and seeing results, you will go through them faster than you think.
If you have not checked out the post that was published November 12 on how the doTERRA BOGOs work and how you can maximize savings during these specials please check it out here:
Each day this week I will post the BOGO deal of the day. You have just 24 short hours to order that special.
Today’s BOGO is:
Why These are Great!
doTERRA diffusers are phenomenal. They work extremely well and if there is ever any kind of problem at all during the first 12 months you own it, doTERRA will replace it no questions asked.
Now I have purchased diffusers from other retailers because I found a sale or thought they were cute. Do you know where they are now? In a closet or the trash. They either stopped working or weren’t working well. I will says every time I’ve compared them running side-by-side a doTERRA diffuser the doTERRA diffuser wins hands down.
If you’re going to spend money on oils then invest in a diffser that will produce the output needed to enjoy and experience those oils. Today you can get the Lumo diffuser for an extra $10 off on top of 25% off retail with your account.
Cheer and Peace are two of the doTERRA aromatherapy oils. They are both extremely well blended to support feelings and emotions.
Cheer specifically works to support feelings of happiness, contentment and hope. This oil is a pleasant blend of cituris oils along with clove, star anise, nutmeg and vanilla. It has a “buttery” aroma that is very pleasant and happy.
Peace is a soulful oil that is reassuring and connected. This oil affirms us and helps us cultivate peace in our lives and in moments when we are uncertain. The oil contains a wonderful blend of Ylang Ylang, vetiver, lavender, frankincense, clary sage and marjoram.

If you’re looking for a great holiday gift this is it!
Don’t Have An Account?
You can get a doTERRA account TODAY and enjoy the BOGO deal!
What is absolutely perfect about this for a person getting an account today is not only will you have a savvy saving account, a great collection of starter oils and a BOGO deal BUT you also get $50 in free products!

With this BOGO deal and the Black Friday I’m offering you will get over $300 of free products!
Interested in more?
This is a great daily BOGO that you can only get through midnight 11/23.
If you have questions please reach out so I can help you.
Opening an account is super easy and takes only a couple minutes. There is never any obligation to purchase and you have complete flexibility to fit your needs. Get your account today!
