Posted on September 27, 2019 by dragonspitapothecary
You know how you tell your kids a ton of times that if they do “that” then they are going to get hurt. Yet, they do it anyway. You come to the rescue with the band-aids, kisses and hugs telling them it will be ok and it will, yet you could see it coming and did warn them. You know too they will do it again, probably. There are so many things in life our kids have to learn on their own and no amount of warning is usually going to stop them from exploring, touching, tasting and doing.
I am not saying your customers are children but I am saying that behavior of trying it despite warnings is how we are as adults too. We don’t like being told we what to do and we sure don’t like being told we can’t do something. Even if you are our mom we know what’s best for us as adults – mostly, kinda, sometimes. Perhaps that’s just me?
It really doesn’t matter how much you tell someone that the vitamin they’re taking isn’t doing anything for their health, the colds they keep getting could be reduced in frequency or that all that strong cleaner they use in their home isn’t good for them. They are going to do it anyway. They know what it is right for them right now. Telling them anything else is like selling to a brick wall. You will just not be successful.
So how do you get them to convert to be your customer and start using all the wonderful natural health products that you have to offer? How do you show them that by simple switches they could not only feel better but not have their nose hair burned by the toxic strong smell of their spray bathroom cleaners?
Getting a Chip in the Wall
Until someone is ready to change they won’t. Until they recognize their own problem they won’t work on fixing it. Until they see someone else living better they won’t question why they can’t. Until.
People need to feel compelled to change. They have to want it or be curious enough to explore it. They have to think about it. Most of the time we don’t realize we have a problem and think this is just how life is supposed to feel and be like. We forget what feeling good feels like or what having energy is in our body that doesn’t come from a coffee cup. We are comfortable in our own misery.
If you’ve identified someone who is your ideal customer yet they are not ready to change or curious then you won’t change their mind. It’s also not your job to change their mind. You won’t be successful. Sure you may get them to buy a single bottle of oil but they won’t use it or buy more.
You want and need consistent residual income in your natural health business and that comes from customers who purchase regularly. This person isn’t there (yet).
When you are working with someone who isn’t there yet in terms of wanting to change then as hard as it is I wouldn’t jump to showing them your oils and products. I probably wouldn’t even sample them anything. At this point you just need to get them talking. Get them to tell you their story. What stresses them out? Why do they think their kids are always catching colds and passing them to every family member? You need to listen and then gently show them what you do in your life to avoid getting colds and dealing with the same problems they have. Gently and as your own personal story.
This will not be a quick process most of the time. You need to avoid mentioning your incredible essential oils for as long as possible and just keep the conversation going about them. Get them to recognize what is most important to them and realizing they have a problem or area they would like to fix. Then you have a chip in the wall.
The Bad Boy Boyfriends
Working with someone who appears unlikely to ever recognize they have things that could be improved in their life and you see them so easily is hard not to mention. I always think of some of my girlfriends who would date these guys that you just knew were wrong for them but if you said anything they would get defensive and that relationship would continue on longer. When I was the one dating a bad boy I was having fun. I was feeling special and I didn’t want to hear he was bad for me. Deep down I already knew that but I was living it up for the moment. They know it too trust me.
That is what it is like working with someone who isn’t ready to see what’s really going on. You have to let them work it out and be there for them along the way. If you don’t want to lose this person to bad essential oil company then you have to be there for them despite that. You have to listen to them complain about that other essential oil not working for them, not giving them benefits and questioning if oils really work. In that conversation you have to use your best friend skills and help them figure out what to do and how to ultimately break up with that bad oil. Get them feeling empowered that they don’t have to take it anymore and they deserve better. These have to be their words because they’re going to have to say those words to end that other relationship.
Until that happens you can only show them there are good guys out there and that you have some incredible essential oils that are beneficial and make you actually feel special every day. They never stand you up.
Interested in more?
Are you working with a bad boy oil that isn’t working for you? Or are you stuck in a direct sales business that isn’t doing nothing but filling up your closets with inventory? Honey, it’s time break up and you know it. It’s time to start making some real money and having a solid team of friends in your corner cheering you on.
Check out my Customer Avatar Worksheet and Choose Your Path sets that contain the tools and templates you need to have a successful direct sales business in natural health at . These sets combined with the beautiful pure products at doTERRA mean you have a direct sales business that can flourish and be truly one of a kind. Click here to join me!