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How to Use Pranic Therapy in Your Health

Writer's picture: amyk73amyk73

Pranic Therapy may just be the best kept natural health secret!

Energy healing is a set of natural health modalities that supports the four pillars of health (mind, body, emotions and spirit). It is described as complementary and alternative though it has existed for thousands of years. Pranic Therapy stands out from these modalities as a compelling and mysterious practice with roots in ancient esoteric principles and modern energetic understanding.

Using it in our health can be supportive and therapeutic for a variety of needs but most significantly, severe and chronic health concerns. While it alone cannot cure, it helps the body trigger self-healing to promote health and well-being that can lend to an overall helpful solution and result.

CAUTION: To use energy healing of any form, it is recommended to rely on an experienced practitioner for best results. There are plenty of people who will claim to know how to apply energy medicine but without proper training results are usually dismal at best.

What is Pranic Therapy?

Pranic Therapy is a unique approach to healing that addresses the energetic imbalances underlying the pillars of health to stimulate healing within the body. Several energy modalities also share this principle but Pranic therapy works differently. It combines both ancient and modern knowledge for how energy medicine works and targets specific deeper health needs.

Developed in the 1980s by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, a Filipino-Chinese Spiritual Teacher and Energy Healer, Pranic Therapy synthesizes the knowledge of the Chinese, Indian Rishis, Taoists, and Tibetan monks into a practical system of scientifically documented healing. It takes the best of all these practices and aligns them in a way to go beyond, deeper, bigger, and targeted.

Pranic Therapy is touch free though many clients will experience tingling, warmth, energy rushes, and sensations when receiving the service. They will also report feeling calmer, more at peace, present, and less emotional during and afterwards. Pranic Therapy provides that connection across the pillars of health so support all of our being when we often feel stuck in a negative pattern that is blocking health from flourishing.

Pranic Therapy is touchless

What is Pranic Therapy Best Used for?

Pranic Therapy is often used as complementary to severe chronic illnesses and diseases including, cancer, arthritis, migraines, chronic stress, gastritis, and cognitive decline. It is also beneficial for emotional needs such as PTSD and trauma that is deeply rooted.

Again, this type of therapy can be used for less severe needs as those listed when it is the right service for your needs. I personally have used it on women who are having challenging pregnancies, infertility, severe hormonal issues, and acute ailments that are prolonged in getting better. This is where working with a trained professional is necessary because using the wrong modality can prevent benefits from being realized.

When using any energy medicine, it is important to know why. Our bodies are very sensitive to changes in energy, even though we may not notice it sometimes. Energy medicine influences not only how we feel physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as well. It is one of the most dramatic of our medicines available because it touches all of who we are, often without physical touch! That is because it deals with our energy flowing in and around us at all times. We are redirecting, unblocking, releasing, soothing, smoothing, and easing our energy flow to align with balance across the individual's health and overall well-being. That makes energy medicine one of the most powerful health services available.

Specific to Pranic Therapy, it is one of the strongest forms of energy medicine. The influence of so many ancient and modern elements give it a deeper movement of energy. Sometimes we have to move pass a lot of trauma or thick energy to where it is still trickling and flowing. Working from the bottom up we begin to thaw the layers of blocked energy to gradually increase the body's ability to self-heal. That's where other energy modalities differ as they often look at the top down or surface areas of energy, which is also very healing but sometimes cannot get as deep.

How does Pranic Therapy Work?

The goal of Pranic Therapy is to support the body in self-healing. The practice relies on the use of prana (life force energy), to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy systems. Through the manipulation of prana to remove energetic blockages and imbalances, practitioners are able to cleanse, energize and balance energy centers (chakras) and the energy field (aura) surrounding the body. The equilibrium that's achieved accelerates the body's natural healing processes to promote health and well-being.

Pranic Therapy is deeply therapeutic

While this may sound like other energy modalities such as Reiki, acupuncture, or crystals for example, the approach, techniques, means, and how it works to achieve results is different. The degree to which an individual responds to different types of energy medicine also varies by person. Here too, working with an experienced practitioner will guide you to the right therapy for your individual needs for best results.

Pranic Therapy is about manipulation of the energy to draw, massage, move, and flow energy where it is needed most deeply. It is touchless though you will feel the vibrational connection between practitioner and client during the service.

A client will be lying down comfortably and instructed to breath in a way to increase relaxation and presence. Once this is established, the session will begin. A slow flow of hand movements are performed from head to toe in slow moving pattern down the left and right sides of the body. This is a rhythmic movement to gain the body's trust in energy sharing and transfer. As the body eases into this flow, spots of warmth begin to be felt. Usually this happens through the practitioner at first but over time the client may also feel these areas in their body. Remarkably, it is usually also where there is pain or hurt.

What is interesting is, using Pranic Therapy without fully knowing where the trouble is in the body and finding it during a service. I will mention to the client what I've found and they will be surprised at that. They had not previously provided this information and yet I found it while applying Pranic Therapy through the warm or hot spots felt.

We then begin to work on these areas with love and support. Depending on the type of warmth, it can take several sessions to ease these areas. That's because we don't want to overwhelm or shock the body. It needs time to adjust to the new flow of energy and use it to do the work of healing. Releasing too much at one time can be stressful, overwhelming, painful, and uncomfortable. While we'd like to have an instant relief and the problems be gone, the level that is experienced may need to be gradual depending on your body.

Following a session, it is very important the client listen to their body. Rest, water, clean food and sunshine are important immediately following a session. We are looking for restoration of energy and it needs time to build that reserve so it is can be used in our body's cells.

It is also important especially for mental and emotional needs to move slowly afterwards. Part of this work is restoring balance across the pillars of our health. Therefore, our body, mind, emotions, and spirit need time to re-establish equilibrium. We are creating an alignment across these pillars and that too needs time to come together. Physically slowing our movement allows these connections to occur more easily.

The reason for this is we are very often harsh critics of our physical body, usually through our mind's negative self talk. Moving the body slowly after Pranic Therapy helps it communicate with the mind, emotions, and spirit so needs ca be more lovingly supported and acknowledged. We are not interested in restricting the body but rather listening to what those needs are and honoring them. This is a place where healing can transform the experience of feeling better.

When clients come see me for Pranic Therapy I often combine it with other techniques including crystals, singing bowls, and dousing rods. What I have seen is that through the combination of techniques, clients more easily relax and are able to respond honestly about what they are feeling during the session. The other reason I do this is to balance what the client is read to work through and what they are not. If there is a particular area that is sensitive we can apply more gentle techniques that still provide support but are not as intense as Pranic Therapy which they may not be fully ready for in that area.

The Benefits of Pranic Therapy

During the first 24 hours after a Pranic Therapy session you may experience a lot of things come up in terms of how you feel. Some people will report feeling renewed energy and a flush of happiness come over them. Others may not feel much at all. The variation here is due to the depth to which we worked during your session and level of healing that you are at. There is no right or wrong way to feel but its important to have an idea for what to expect.

In the first few hours after the session, most people feel relaxed. Their muscles feel soft, joints less achy, and their mind is content. You may find yourself noticing things in nature as you walk outside. Your hearing may feel more acute. Your patience may be more flexible.

Going into about hours 4-6 after your session, you may start to notice emotions or mindful thoughts of obligations, situations or even normal stress start to crop up. It doesn't mean that the experience of the session is lost but your body is shifting to a point where its determining a new normal. That may result in old patterns, thoughts, emotions, and experiences coming to the surface.

I recommend to clients to listen to their body following a session. If you feel like rest, do that. If you feel like a light walk, that's ok too. This is an invitation to support your body the way it wants and needs you to help. As emotional, mental, and spiritual complexities come up, give them space to be heard in honesty, clarity, and thoughtfulness. We are using this time to stimulate healing on all levels of our being.

The other bit of advice I give all my clients is that you are always in control of what you let into your energy. If it is uncomfortable or you're not ready to work through something deeply traumatic, take the steps you are able and then release it. We are not meant to do all our healing in a single session.

"What I think people misunderstand about health is that we are not meant to do all our healing in a single session, from a single pill, or single anything. It is a process of steps aligned to our own body's timeline for when it is ready to heal." - Amy Kramer, Naturopathic Doctor

What Pranic Therapy Can't Do

While I firmly believe in Pranic Therapy and its uses in supporting health, I think its worth also looking at what it cannot do. See, sometimes especially in natural health we can have this impression of things being something other than what they are. This misconception can prevent a lot of people from trying things that could help them or having feedback about it not being for them and not working. I like to set the expectations upfront so you know what you are doing and can make the right choices for yourself.

Pranic Therapy is like all other energy medicine in that it helps stimulate the body's ability to self-heal. Now, only using Pranic Therapy may not be the right answer for your situation. Nor will be able to do all the work for you necessarily. A lot of factors go into building health and maintaining it. I help you through that but when it really comes down to things, it is within your control.

The second thing to realize about Pranic Therapy is that it is not a diagnosis tool. I cannot use it and then tell you that you have xyz disease. This doesn't work like that. Instead, we can use Pranic Therapy to balance the body so whether or not something else is going on your body is positioned to take care of itself. We have fallen for this misguided idea that a pill or some thing outside of ourself can do the work of healing us. The truth is that power is and always has been right inside of our own being. We can work to relieve symptoms, bring restoration and support, provide comfort, and give the body what it needs but ultimately its up to your life force to do the work of healing.

Lastly, Pranic Therapy is not some hippy, voo-doo, scam. It is based on ancient principles of medicine that recognize we are more than a physical body of individual parts. For health to occur, we must support the entire person on all levels of their being. Pranic Therapy touches all aspects of our being and works to provide that connection. When we are in alignment all things are best positioned to work in our favor. Your body was designed to feel its best every day. This is just a tool we can use to help create that condition.

Where to Try Pranic Therapy

Dragonspit Apothecary offers Pranic Therapy for in-person clients. If you are not local, you can reach out and we are happy to connect you to our network of colleagues to find someone where you live.

This is a service that is best done in-person by a qualified and trained natural health professional.

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