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Recognizing My doTERRA Family Team

Writer's picture: amyk73amyk73

This past month doTERRA had a BOGO week which provided many wonderful items customers could get at significant savings. BOGO weeks are ultimate events we who use these oils and products look forward to occurring. If you’re unfamiliar with doTERRA BOGOs, please check out the post I did in early November explaining why this is such a big deal.

Enjoying the wonderful BOGO items is great but there is another thing that happens to those of us that share doTERRA when these events happen. Many distributors, like me and those on my team, will see significant increases in their monthly volume that in turn can represent increases in commissioned sales. This is very helpful to my family budget and I know those on my team also deeply appreciate it as well. 

The other thing though that happens is there will be many who are able to move up in rank as a result of that volume.  The highest ranks are called Diamonds, including Blue Diamond, Presidential Diamond and so on. Every time there is a doTERRA BOGO event the month end will bring news of new rank advancements of distributors including those that have reached the ultimate Diamond levels. Anyone who has ever worked in a direct marketing company knows this is the result of lots of hard work and some luck but is a great achievement and well deserved. The congratulations and recognition can seem unending for those that have achieved a milestone in any month but especially following a BOGO event.

This blog post however isn’t about those that were able to advance rank or even increase their commission from last month’s BOGO event or even the one prior to that. This post is for the person who:

  1. Hasn’t seen those kind of results to qualify for rank advancement of any kind or has been stagnant at the same rank for a long time

  2. Is just starting out in this business and it seems like you are spending more time, money and energy than you are getting back right now

  3. Works so hard at this business day in and day out but is struggling and not seeing the kind of progress you see others capture so easily with half the effort (or so it seems)

  4. Has worked other direct marketing businesses and is hesitant to do it again with doTERRA

This post is especially for those on my direct team and those that I have met this past year who are in the same place as me. This is for that very special group of women I’ve come to adore, admire and respect. This group of women is like me in our love of doTERRA and yet so uniquely and beautifully in their own rite. This group of special women are all just doing our best in building this business and hints of dreams of one day being on the endless list of congratulations and recognition for reaching a big milestone from our labor while having some financial freedom in our lives.  

3 Stars

I am so humbled by those that have joined me on this journey to not only have natural health and well-being but to build a business from it together. While we are all independent Wellness Advocates we are also a team family.  I know each and everyone one of the women I list below are so incredibly grateful to our customers and those we have shared doTERRA with on this journey.

This past year has seen us pull together and rally to help and encourage one another. We’ve been through loss, grief, struggle, challenges and some achievements and wins all together. I’m looking forward to continuing to grow with and as part of this fiercely pioneering spirit with each of these women where we will continue fostering more of the encouragement, empowerment and support built on love and respect we have for one another.


Melinda was the first to join me in building this business. Like me, she works a full time corporate job but she also works 2-3 other side businesses and jobs. She works hard at everything she does. I admire her continual push to do more so her financial future is secure. 

Melinda is a fighter, that is her strength. Melinda didn’t rank very high this year in the doTERRA structure nor did she make it rich in her doTERRA business but she persists in working on it. She never gives up on it and that consistent persistence is what will pay off one day. 


Justiene has had a tough year. She has a young family she works 2 jobs to support in addition to her doTERRA business. She is energetic, fun and spirited but she is also very smart and savvy. 

My heart goes to Justiene with the unexpected loss of her father earlier this year. That was a punch in the gut for Justiene that left here with increased responsibilities to take care of her father’s small business and take on custody of siblings  on top of her existing family, work and financial obligations.

With the challenges she’s faced, she has not been able to focus on her doTERRA business as she would have liked. We’re all pulling for her and have stepped in to help where we can to see her through this time. I however know Justiene is going to make a strong comeback and there will be no stopping her when that happens.


Lisa is a nurse who also works full time and has this new doTERRA business she’s working on.  She takes care of her elderly mom and loves spending as much time as she can in her backyard veggie patch.   She makes some incredible pepper jelly that I’m a huge fan of.  She is a sincerely good hearted person that would do anything for anyone. 

This year Lisa saw her mom struggle with cancer but a bit of good news was achieved with that cancer going into remission. That incredible result Lisa and her mom both say is the result of their constant use of doTERRA OnGuard, Frankincense and Oregano oils as well as focused treatments she was able to get. I remember Lisa telling me she was little upset with her mom for postponing a treatment for her cancer in order to take a trip to Las Vegas with her two daughters. We talked a long time about that and what it could mean to her mom’s health and the risks it could pose traveling with a weakened immune system. In the end, they took the trip and had a wonderful time spending time they otherwise may not have had together. That was very powerful to me and I am so happy Lisa and her mom were able to do that.

With her nursing knowledge and growing doTERRA knowledge Lisa is my go-to for health help. I’ve often called on her for questions and help finding answers for those that have asked me things I don’t easily know. She is a wonderful resource for our team and someone I hold in high regard.

United Across Teams

What is wonderful about doTERRA is the culture of connection and equality. I’ve met some incredible women this year and have even joined forces with a couple of them to provide classes, education and events across the country. The collaboration and support regardless of team everyone is on has been inspiring, uplifting and rewarding. I’m so excited to get to partner and work with these women as we uplift one another in this business.

It is my hope and intent to meet more like this group that are not concerned with rank and commission as their primary focus but rather on sharing the love of these incredible natural products and truly helping one another live their best lives.

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The point of this blog post is to recognize those that have chosen to join me on this journey and give praise for what you have accomplished despite the challenges this year has brought to your doorstep.

This business is not always easy and it doesn’t always come with recognition, congratulations or new ranks. It can seem hopeless, impossible and never ending in the challenges just to break even. Despite all that, this group of women have come together from all walks of life and at different phases of our life to build something wonderful. Each of them are all diamond level ranked as far as I am concerned. Personally, I am so honored to get to be cool enough to just hang out with them. 

The point of this post is also to let you know as a customer what direct impact your purchases have on very real lives and families. Your purchases from us is deeply appreciated and we value each and every customer. We appreciate our relationships with you.

If you have questions, would like information about being a Wellness Advocate or would like to be one of our highly appreciated customers, please contact one of the women I list above or me directly at 

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