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The $35 Business

Writer's picture: amyk73amyk73

Starting your own business is challenging and can be very expensive. There is a high risk for failure that turns a lot of people off from approaching it. Starting even a small shop or business on your own can quickly deplete your savings and not return your investment at all. With a MLM many of those risks are removed and a person with a simple desire can actually make a solid run at being successful.

When I first started my business with doTERRA I was skeptical it would never amount to anything. My view on it was I had a full time demanding job and this was just something to do on the side to pay for my oils and have a little fun at. This is a view shared by many who start out with this type of business and many more who say no to it.

The truth is just as many fail or give up with a MLM as they do when they create their own business entirely on their own. Many realize it’s not a quick get rich opportunity or it’s more work than it’s worth. Some quit when they realize they don’t like presenting or talking to others, seeking new contacts or feel stressed at the challenge of figuring out how to grow their little business. These are all the same stresses and thoughts of a person who invests their life savings into creating a main street boutique.

Why I Do It

I have a full time job and full time family so my time to work on my business is limited. Sometimes its a real challenge carving out time to do things to support my business but I do it even if it just for a few  minutes.

  1. The reward, if you’re with the right MLM, is good.

It is more than just paying for your own product or having a little bit of extra income too.

The rewards are much more than that.

It is extremely satisfying to see what I started from just a casual outreach has grown into. Yes, it was work but wow is it gratifying and I get excited even when there is a tiny spurt of new growth. It is an excitement I’ve not felt in my 9-to-5 in a very long time.

It is mine. All mine.

I don’t have to have a boss telling me I did a good or bad job. I don’t have to wait for a measly small percentage increase or atta girl. I get to reward myself.

I get to set goals that are meaningful to me. There are no vague corporate strategy goals that don’t make sense in my business. I get to set my own challenges and make them direct for what I want.

Want to know the the best part?

Even though I do still work full time at a job, my little business is something I have fun doing. I care about it. I think about it. I want it to thrive. It is an escape from the corporate bs I deal with in my regular job.

To me, that’s worth getting up a little early to write this blog or taking a lunch break to schedule time with a potential customer. It helps me keep my sanity until I can tell my corporate 9-to-5 to go pound some sand.

One day I will be able to do that because of this little business I have today.

Why You Should Consider It

It is said that at least 70% of Americans don’t like their job. This video says that number is closer to 85%!

Why are we settling with being unhappy?

Why are not more of us working to stop that madness?

It’s not an overnight success story but it is a lifeline when you start your own personal business.

With doTERRA new Wellness Advocates have

  1. A wealth of training and support.

  2. This is different from a MLM that sends you a starter kit and a names list to complete. Not at doTERRA. Information is constant, support is always available and you are not alone ever!

  3. It’s not competitive.

  4. In many MLMs there is a concern about market saturation and not being able to attract new customers in your area because there are 25 other people are selling the same lip gloss or $5 jewelry as you.

  5. With doTERRA, there is not competition between Wellness Advocates. We don’t fight over potential customers or try to steal them from one another. The culture with doTERRA does not support that type of behavior or activity. You can trust other Wellness Advocates you meet along the way and count on their support as we help one another grow.

  6. NO inventory.

  7. There are no catalogs, brochures, order forms, or product inventory you must keep to be successful.

  8. All information is available on a beautiful website and you can even enroll new wholesale and retail customers through the website.

  9. All customer orders ship directly to them.

  10. All wholesale customers and retail customers alike can order through the website anytime they want without calling you.

  11. The start up costs is minimal.

  12. It is recommended all new Wellness Advocates use the oils and products. Understand personally how they work. That’s a great strategy but bottom line is you don’t have to purchase anything but a membership for an initial $35 to start your business.

  13. Where else can you start a business for $35?

So, for a minimum of $35 and not having to keep any documents or inventory you have a legitimate real business. That seems like a worthwhile opportunity that even if you decided you didn’t want to do it anymore or you didn’t like it, you are out only $35.

That’s a whole lot easier to think about than starting a personal business with $35,000 and losing all of that!

Bottom line – it also helps you start to build your way out of a miserable job that 70% -85% of us don’t like and dread doing!

Reality of It

I won’t lie, sometimes it takes a bit of work to get a new customer or make a sale but even in the time I have done it seriously for the past year and half, my successes have far outweighed the “no” answers I’ve heard.

A lot of people are seeing that the food we eat, products we use to clean our home and take care of our families have some serious risks. There is some heavy evidence showing these risks are a determinant to our health and could be the cause of many horrible diseases. As a result, there is growing interest in reducing those risks by seeking natural solutions. That’s where doTERRA comes in.

Once someone sees how you use these oils and products and the changes they make in your life, it’s easy for them to want to do the same. That’s the secret.

Let it change your life personally and professionally.

Interested in more?

For $35 you can have your own business. That’s  an incredible option to have available when your sitting in a miserable 9-to-5.

Give yourself a peace of mind that you can be successful outside a 9-to-5 and protect your financial freedom.

Reach out to me and let’s talk. I will happily show you the numbers of how this works and how you can more than get back your initial investment to being this path to better health and better freedom.

It all starts by becoming a wholesale member that can receive at least 25% off all their purchases. Enroll today at:

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