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The Traps of Processed Food Products

Writer's picture: amyk73amyk73

Today’s grocery stores are completely different from times past. Food has gone techno. There have been transformations in products both new and old that have changed how people eat and what qualifies as nutrition. One can say we’ve been headed this way for some time but in many aspects is is a new territory that we find ourselves in when we shop along familiar grocery store aisles.

Processed ingredients are not new

They have in fact been around since the 1970s most notably with artificial sweeteners emerging in sodas. Diet foods became trendy as consumers sought low fat, calorie free options to combat the growing concern over cancers and heart disease. Fifty plus years later the once popular trend continues to haunt us with no decrease in either disease. Cancer and heart disease remain the top 2 most likely causes of death in 2023.

With the emergence of artificial sweetener we also saw additional artificial ingredients come into our foods. Processed cheese, frozen foods and more became convenient staples in most of our pantries. We became increasingly reliant on fast to go options that compliment the new invention of the home microwave appliance. The world was getting faster and so was our demand for meal prep ease and convenience.

Today's Processed Ingredients are Advanced in Disease Risks

Today, we find the emergence of lab generated foods, specifically meats and beyond meat products that promise many of the same things their prior processed food ingredients promised. A more healthy and environmentally friendly option that doesn’t skimp on the flavor consumers have come to expect. But is this true?

We have seen in overall trends of processed and fake food products a growing number of diseases, including cancers, obesity and heart disease that are not being fixed through diet. We see adults and children with growing concerns over thyroid problems and early onset Alzheimer’s Disease. Is it all tied to food? Certainly not, but food is one of the primary contributors to so much that makes up the human body’s health and well-being that it cannot be overlook as a major factor for why we are not getting healthier despite the advancements and promises for better in food manufacturing.

The real truth is we have not seen better through these food products and their promises for safer and healthier results are not able to be proven or demonstrated. Americans specifically are fatter and have more health related problems than any other country in the world. The traditional American Diet filled with the preservatives, processed ingredients, colorings and artificial flavorings as well as lab generated fake foods are directly at the center. We have traded our health for convenience and quickness in eating and as a result put our very well-being in harm’s way.

Navigating the Processed Food World

Reducing and eliminating our exposure to bio-engineered, manufactured, processed and lab created food products is crucial in reclaiming our health and vitality. This can only be done through consumer demand for real human safe food and pressure on organizations like the FDA to restrict these dangerous imposters.

By continuing to consume fake and processed foods we encounter many problems that can setup long term problems for not only our current society health but generations to come. We also create further complicated problems in our environment through lab waste and harm to farm lands that are needed to grow and raise actual food we need.

These factors must be a constant on the consumer mind when navigating the grocery store and avoid them as much as possible if we are to reset the baseline for what is considered healthy, safe, nutritionally sound and good for our families to eat.

Problems with Processed Foods

  1. Nutritional Deficiencies: Fake and lab-generated food often lack the essential nutrients our bodies require. These products are often stripped of vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found naturally in whole foods. Products that state it is enriched means the manufacturer was trying to put back in the very ingredients they stripped out and present a more healthy option. These attempts are dismal and often result in synthetic ingredients in place of real vitamins, minerals and nutrients that should be coming from the real food. By opting for real food, we nourish our bodies with the necessary building blocks for optimal health.

  2. Artificial Ingredients: Fake and lab-generated food often contain artificial additives, flavorings, and preservatives. These synthetic compounds may have detrimental effects on our health, potentially causing allergies, digestive issues, and long-term health problems. Real food, on the other hand, provides naturally occurring nutrients without the harmful additives. This includes coloring and flavor enhancements ingredients that complicate the body’s ability to process nutrients and result in toxic waste being stored in the body triggering long term health impacts.

  3. Unknown Consequences: The long-term effects of consuming fake and lab-generated food are still not fully understood. These products often undergo extensive processing and genetic modifications, introducing potential risks to our health. Opting for real food allows us to consume what nature intended, minimizing the uncertainties associated with lab-created alternatives.

  4. Environmental Impact: The production of fake and lab-generated food often requires extensive resources, including energy, water, and chemical inputs. This contributes to environmental degradation, deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions. By choosing real food, we support sustainable and regenerative farming and agriculture practices and reduce our ecological footprint. We also create demand for real food rather than overproduction of crops like corn.

  5. Taste and Sensory Experience: Fake and lab-generated food may attempt to mimic the taste and texture of real food but often fall short. Natural food offers a diverse range of flavors, textures, and aromas that create a fulfilling and enjoyable eating experience. Real food satisfies our senses and enhances our connection with the nourishing power of nature.

  6. Connection with Food Sources: Choosing real food fosters a deeper connection with the sources of our sustenance. It encourages us to support local farmers, embrace seasonal produce, and appreciate the beauty and diversity of natural ingredients. Real food allows us to honor the heritage and cultural significance associated with traditional cuisines.

  7. Holistic Health Benefits: Real food provides a wide array of health benefits that extend beyond mere nutrition. It supports gut health, boosts immune function, promotes mental clarity, and contributes to overall well-being. By nourishing our bodies with real food, we enhance our vitality and embrace a holistic approach to health.

In a world saturated with fake and lab-generated food alternatives, it is crucial to prioritize real, nourishing food for our health and well-being. By avoiding artificial ingredients, supporting sustainable agriculture, and embracing the taste and sensory experience of real food, we foster a deeper connection with nature and nurture our bodies with what they truly need. Let’s choose real food and reap the abundant benefits of a natural, wholesome diet.

Finding Real Food Among the Fake

Holistic nutrition helps you rebuild your relationship with food and overcome the challenges of eating in today's stressed modern world. Dragonspit Apothecary offers many personalized programs for nutrition to help you reach your health goals and navigate the world of processed food products. Learn more at

Join the 4 Week Real Food Challenge to see for yourself how much processed food is in your regular diet!

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