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Copaiba and CBD Oil

A wonderful workaround to those needing medical marijuana and not having it available locally has been found in CBD oil. This is good news for many with physical and behavioral health needs who want to include a natural alternative to their treatment plan.

You can’t talk about CBD oil without also discussing Copaiba oil. Copaiba oil is similar to CBD oil as both help with inflammation and social anxiety disorders but there are some differences.

Copaiba Oil

doTERRA Copaiba oil comes from South America from the Copaifera tree. The resin has been used in lacquers and varnishes used in furniture making. However, when the resin is steam distilled it’s medicinal properties can be realized similar to other tree based essential oils. There are several healing benefits derived from this oil that make it one of the most powerful available for a broad set of health concerns.

Copaiba oil contains the element known as beta-caryophllene. This same element is found in CBD oil. It does not however have THC or hemp in it.

Like CBD oil, Copaiba can be taken internally and does support physical health behavioral health needs like support with cancer, inflammation and anxiety.


CBD oil is sourced from cannabis plants. Most commonly it is known as an alternative to medical marijuana. The difference is CBD oil is non-psychoactive and does not contain the elements that trigger a high feeling.

The elements in CBD oil are terpenes and cannabinoids.

Like Copaiba oil, CBD also supports a broad set of needs from anxiety, depression, autoimmune disorders, pain, inflammation, cancer and etc. but on a much deeper level.


Copaiba health benefits are from its  beta-caryophllene element where it can support the body on a higher level of need. It is a good first line defense.

CBD oil has more complex elements from its cannabinoids and terpenes delivering stronger, deeper effects to the body.

Both have tremendous benefit to our health and concerns we are experiencing physically and behaviorally and both are safe to use internally – please pay attention to quality and testing standards of the product you use. Internal use of essential oils, including CBD oil, can be dangerous if you are not using products that are 100% pure and tested to the highest standards possible.

If you are looking for extensive support capabilities for more severe needs you should consider CBD oil with Copaiba.

Please make sure any oil you use is pure quality and tested to the highest extent available to ensure safety. I only use doTERRA for this reason.


Interested in more?

Here at Dragonspit Apothecary we do offer doTERRA’s Copaiba oil. We are also looking to add a CDB oil in the future.

If you have questions or would like to get Copaiba oil, please reach out and let us know.

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