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Writer's pictureamyk73

Crazy Mom Life

As moms we do extraordinary things every day.

Yes we do.

Even if no one else sees it, and often they don’t, we moms are there doing it.

From wiping up counters, sorting and running the washer, soothing and cooing boo-boos and reading nighttime stories, we go non-stop from sun-up to well past sun down.

Sometimes we can feel and look like octopuses with tentacles grabbing, wiping, cuddling, cleaning, tending, stirring, scheduling, driving and more!

We are ultimate multi-taskers

Even when we are dog-tired or sick we are still folding laundry, making food, checking homework and taking care of our families.

This can feel frustrating, lonely and overwhelming often.

It’s hard not to lose it when you’ve cleaned pee off the toilet again or have to keep turning off the same light switches  and picking up toys for the 100th time in a single day.

We do it because we love our families

We do it because someone has to

We do it because that’s what we do

Seriously sometimes it’s just too much and can feel like the most thankless job in the world being a mom.

Too boot, most of us are working moms too so on top of all that we do at home we’re busting our backsides for paychecks to contribute to our family’s needs.


It can seem impossible to carve out self-care time among all that a mom is doing in a day.

Seriously bless those that can get up at 4AM and get to a gym and workout. I know there are lot like me that can barely get going at 6AM when we have to get the kids rolling for school.

Self-Care When You Have ZERO Self-Time

I don’t have this completely figured out and my life is far from a perfect balance but here’s where I’ve been able to sneak in some self-care in my day.

Java Boost

I add a drop of Peppermint essential oil in my coffee in the morning. It’s a nice wake-me-up and it tastes like a nice treat I didn’t spend $5 on.

wa-peppermint (1)


My face gets the royal treatment every time I wash it with the HD Clear products.

I still have breakouts because now that I’ve solved the acne problem my body has decided to start hormonal changes which has resulted in of course acne on my chin and neck. These products however are helping keep it controlled and my skin is still much better than it ever has been before.



When I am stressed I am less likely to eat well. In fact most work days I’m barely lucky to get food in between meetings. This bad diet habit also means I may not get the water amount I need.

To help me drink more water, I do put a drop of Slim & Sassy in my water. It makes it taste good and it gives me a little energy boost to keep going in the day.


In the afternoon, I may switch it up and add a drop of Citrus Bliss or make a tea of Copaiba or OnGuard. These are all great at helping with immunity support and detoxification needs.



No mom has time to be ill. For this reason alone we need good supplements to keep us healthy.

I have used the doTERRA Life Long Vitality for the past year and wow has it made a difference. I feel good, I have energy and I know my body is getting the support it needs.



On top of stress messing with your day it can mess with your digestion. Heartburn and upset stomach are common when you are under continual stress.

I take a daily dose of DigestZen to calm my stomach and I take a daily TerraZyme to help process foods I’m eating.




It would be great if all had time to reflect and meditate, take a walk, go to an exercise class or just do what we want at times during the day. These are real blessings when that happens.

Daily I put a drop of Balance on the bottom of my feet to help me stay centered in my day. It is a nice way to give me that “on-the-go” Zen experience.


Also, I put a drop of Frankincense and Copaiba under my tongue in the mornings. Doing so gives me the support to navigate complications in my day with grace and control.


Interested in more?

When you have zero time to yourself or a chance to practice solid self-care you can still protect yourself from getting ill and keeping your cool all day long.

Reach out to me with questions and help finding the products that will help you keep it going.

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it's time to feel good (1)

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