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Writer's pictureamyk73

Holiday Joy & Peace

At this time of year we can easily become overwhelmed with sensory overload through the many things we see, hear, touch and smell.  It’s amazing how a simple thing like scent can transform us in terms of how we feel, respond and receive what is going on inside and around us. Scent triggers memories, feelings, responses and thoughts that we may not even realize we are experiencing.  However, when we tune into these triggers we can learn about ourselves on a new level and find exactly what we need at that moment.

doTERRA has two holiday edition oils that I first experienced last year and thankfully they have come out again this year. Both have that wonderful aroma many of us associate with Christmas and the year end season but for me I also find some much needed support in them.  These oils go deeper for me on an emotional level partly because the holidays are a difficult time for me and also because they fill my soul.

Holiday Joy

holiday joy oil

The doTERRA Holiday Joy oil blend contains Wild Orange, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Clove with the fresh and airy scent of Siberian and Douglas Fir, creating an essential oil blend that’s a dōTERRA Christmas tradition.

Many I talk to about this oil say it is a happy blend for them that they use to add festive aromas to the air. I agree it does have that feeling for me too but as I was diffusing this oil one day and had the house to myself something happened.

This oil is spicy, warm and quite honestly reminds me of sipping orange spice tea in front of a warm fire with a Christmas tree all lit as the only light in a room. It’s an image I get every time I smell this oil.

When I diffuse this oil, I find that I often remember holidays I spent alone and was trying to find ways to make the most of it despite being by myself. For me, it is that mix of happy and sad feelings where we accept everything will be ok in our life but we are sad, disconnected and wondering if we are on the right path so good can happen in our lives. It is an anticipation feeling but also a content feeling that is difficult to explain.

Today, even though I am surrounded by a wonderful family of my very own and no longer spending holidays alone, this oil still triggers those lonely holiday thoughts and feelings from a long time ago. It makes me acutely aware of my gratefulness for my family and our home. I feel a deeper sense of joy and contentment that is safe, warm and surrounded with love and appreciation.

These are incredibly big thoughts and feelings to come out from using an oil but I’m so thankful they have. Too often we take our feelings for granted and don’t take the time to digest what they mean. We forget how we felt and what is going on now to trigger those past feelings. It’s refreshing to have closure on the past and be able to openly receive and accept the blessings we have today. This is what the doTERRA Holiday Joy oil experience has been like for me.

Holiday Peace

holiday peace oil

doTERRA’s Peace oil blend contains calming aromas of three firs—Siberian, Douglas, and Himalayan and is complimented by Grapefruit, Frankincense, and Vetiver.

It is obviously a very woodsy aroma and provides a warm, quiet grounding experience. Friends I’ve talked to who have used this oil say they find it is a calming oil for them that supports those simpler, quiet moments we can sneak in among the loud, vibrant noise of the holidays.

I love this oil and often use it at nighttime in my diffuser. It is a heavier oil that is indeed grounding so you feel your thoughts calm and your nerves be soothed. It feels comforting and cozy.

When I use this oil, I feel better able to rest. It’s an oil that reminds of the song Silent Night and stories of settling in for a long winter’s sleep. I feel quieted, calmed and safe so I can rest.

I also find that I am able to tap into feeling spiritually connected when I use this oil. Its like the whole world goes quiet and I can focus on my higher power, thoughts and prayers. It’s a beautiful experience and something I actually look forward to doing.

Interested in more?

Maybe diffusing oils for you is just about creating a festive holiday aroma that makes your home feel like the holidays. Or maybe you too have found a connection to a few oils that help you feel emotionally strengthened and on solid footing. Both are perfect uses of essential oils and one of the beautiful ways everyone can enjoy them on some level.

I encourage you to find time in your holiday season to enjoy what is around you but also reflect from within. Explore those feelings and acknowledge how they add to who you are, where you are and what is next.

If you have questions or need help with these oils or any of the incredible doTERRA products, please let me know. 

These two powerful oils are available only until the year end. Supply is limited. Get an account today and pick up these incredible holiday blends.

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