A miscarriage brings forth some of the rawest, most difficult emotions a person can experience. That loss is soul wrenching and heart breaking. After it happens it can feel like a punishment, of being outcast, isolated and is extremely dark and lonely.
So many of us experience challenges in fertility and the loss in the form a miscarriage. There are many reasons for it and there are a lot of reasons that cannot be explained.
That healing process from this type of loss is not easy or quick.
Recently, I learned someone I know had a miscarriage. I immediately felt her pain and begin to relive a lot of my own pain from when it happened to me. As I listened to her I could hear in her voice the same grief and pain I too had experienced. The lack of a reason why part of a gaping wound she was carrying emotionally.
I didn’t know about essential oils when I had my miscarriage in February 2008. I didn’t know or believe anything would even help with that grief and pain. However, upon hearing about this woman’s recent loss I knew immediately what I could do to help her in a meaningful, supportive way.
I hope if you or someone you know has recently gone through a miscarriage these blends offer you some level of comfort and support. Please know there are many of us who have been through it and grieve with you.
There are actually two essential oil blends that can offer emotional support in this situation.
Miscarriage Support Blend
This oil blend is for those that have experienced a miscarriage and would benefit from immediate soothing comfort
In a 10ml roller ball bottle, mix:
5 drops Clary Sage
5 drops Frankincense
5 drop Geranium
3 drops Grapefruit
3 drops Lavender
3 drops Myrrh
Fill rest with fractionated coconut oil.
Apply to bottom of feet, back of neck at the base and over your stomach and ovaries.
Can apply as needed for emotional support and comfort
Miscarriage Recovery
This blend is for supporting the process of recovery. Each of will reach this place in our own time and shouldn’t move from one phase of grief to recovery before we are ready to work through the emotions that come with this part.
In a 10ml roller ball bottle mix:
5 drops Clary Sage
5 drops Lavender
3 drops Bergamont
3 drops Roman Chamomile
3 drops Ylang Ylang
3 drops Cedarwood
3 drops Geranium
3 drops Fennel
Fill rest with fractionated cocount oil.
Apply to bottom of feet, back of neck at base and over your stomach and ovaries
Can apply as needed for support and relief.
Interested in more?
If you would like to learn more or have questions, please reach out. I’m happy to help you get these oils and share any additional information you need.
