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Writer's pictureamyk73

The $100 Order

There are a lot of choices when it comes to selecting essential oils. How do you know which ones to get and why you need one over the other?

There is an oil for everything!

One of the beautiful things about essential oils is often a specific oil can be used for a multitude of purposes so selecting one of these types can save you a bundle and give you a decent option for trying it out.

It’s also fun to experiment!

Let’s say you have $100 to spend on essential oils and natural products. You are interested in starting to use them and want to see what the buzz is really all about.

Step 1. Where do you start?

First, let’s understand how doTERRA works.

Option 1 – Retail Customer

You can choose to be a retail customer that pays full price and can shop, picking out whatever you want whenever you want.

Option 2 – Wholesale Member

For a $35 initial membership fee you can have the same access and flexibility of a retail customer but will always receive at least 25% off all your purchases and have the ability to earn additional discounts and free items with the doTERRA loyalty reward program.

Each year you renew your membership, the cost is just $25 and doTERRA sends you a free bottle of Peppermint that retail price is more than your membership cost.

So where you start is by going to and selecting the Become a Member at the top of the screen.

Enter your name, address, email and phone number and select the $35 initial membership item.

Don’t checkout just yet however, we still $65 of the original $100 to use so let’s go to step 2!

Step 2. Choices, Choices

Option 1 – Introductory Kit

As you’ll see on the item page with the initial membership there are introductory kits listed there that you can choose from and your $35 membership fee becomes waived. That’s a very economical way to get a great selection of beginner oils and have enough to experiment with as you learn how they are used.

Going with a kit is simple, easy and takes the guesswork out of what to pick as a new user.

There are 2 that are priced at $150 and make smart choices for the budget conscious oil user.

You can see immediately that you are saving $50 off either of these kits and that $35 initial membership fee is also waived. If you have $150 I highly recommend selecting one of these to get started.

Option 2 – Select Your Own

If you truly only had $100, then we can still get you started with some oils that will transform your life and get you started on a very satisfying oil journey.

So in this situation we would use $35 of our $100 to get a wholesale membership. This again will immediately give us 25% off our purchases stretching our dollar further.

From there, as a brand new user this is what I would recommend:

  1. Select the doTERRA Spa Kit $59.50

spa kit

In this kit are 4 great oils that are great for a personal experience using oils.

Balance is fantastic! Put a drop every day on the bottom of the feet of everyone in your household. It is an oil that helps emotions be controlled, being focused and being able to navigate tough challenges.

Serenity is Lavender’s grown up sister! Again put a drop on the bottom of the feet of everyone in your household to promote relaxation and rest in the evening. Put a couple drops in bathwater and enjoy a relaxing aroma that will help you de-stress and promote relaxation.

Citrus Bliss is super yummy!  Put a drop in water or carbonated water and enjoy a light refreshing beverage in place of sodas and juice boxes. Citrus Bliss helps detox your body as well!

Deep Blue feels so good. Take a drop and mix with your favorite unscented lotion. Rub on anything that is sore, achy or feels stiff. Feel the warm and cool sensations as Deep Blue relaxes those muscles and allows healing to occur.

This leaves you with $5.50 for tax and shipping getting us right at the $100 starting place.

3. What’s Next?

You now have at least 4 great oils to start using immediately and you have access to get additional products as you need and have extra money to do so.

I would highly recommend with your wholesale membership access setting up the Loyalty Reward Program. This is optional but it provides you the ability to select products you want each month and have them come to your home directly. You can customize this order to be as little or as much as you want. The benefit of this program is that anytime you place an order of at least 50 points in product value, you earn a percentage of your order back in points to use on future purchases. You can accumulate these points to save up for something expensive or anything that you want need and don’t want to spend money on.

Points accumulate quickly on the loyalty program so you could easily pick up some free oils and other products you’d like to try.

Interested in more?

Feeling good and using natural products does not have to be expensive. doTERRA offers many flexible options to fit every single budget situation.

Contact me with questions or help getting started today!

Become a member today and start saving at least 25% on your purchases.

it's time to feel good (1)
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