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Writer's pictureamyk73


Where is summer going?

August means we’re starting to deal with back to school stuff and things start returning to “normal” with car pools, lunchboxes and well regular work stuff. Thankfully there will still be warm evenings, weekend BBQs and plenty of summer fun we can sneak in through this month among all the normal things.

We also have an incredible line up of August specials to support your summer fun and back to routine lifestyle!

On Sale in August

In August we have 10% off of the product kit that has completely transformed my face.

HD Clear is a three-step system that works synergistically, with each product building on the next to thoroughly cleanse and purify the skin and deliver optimal hydration for a balanced moisture level. Made with pure plant extracts, the ingredients in HD Clear are gentle and calming to the skin, but powerfully effective. Using HD Clear every day will help reduce the appearance of blemishes; promote a clear, healthy complexion; and soothe the skin. HD Clear provides a natural solution for problem skin of all ages.

hd clear

I was spending a fortune on dermatologists and face care products to treat and get rid of adult acne. This is the first thing I tried with essential oils as yet another attempt to cure this problem.  Since changing to this kit, I don’t have breakouts anymore! It works. It isn’t drying and I don’t have to go to the dermatologist anymore! I can’t say enough about this little kit right here. If you or someone you love has acne, please, please try these.

August Specials

We have some great specials in August!

  1. New Wholesale Customer 50/50 Bonus =  $55!

I’m doing something I’ve never done before,  I’m going to share my commission with you. This is in honor of my birthday which is in August and it is my gift to you!

When you

  1. Enroll as a new wholesale customer during August and

  2. Select the Natural Solutions kit as your introduction set of products and

  3. Setup your first loyalty incentive monthly order

I will share the commission I receive on your enrollment 50/50 with you.  That’s $55 to you. Crazy, I know!

It is my way of saying thank you and giving you a little extra for your budget to start your natural health journey  right.  If you’ve ever been serious about trying natural products but have hesitated from moving on it, this is the time to pull the trigger.

Seriously, look at all that comes in this introductory kit and this doesn’t even show you the savings tied to it that go beyond 1/2 my commission!

nat sol kit

For full details of what is in this kit and the savings new wholesale members receive on it refer to the blog post in the archive titled: Natural Solutions dated June 25, 2018 (link:

  1. GIVEAWAY! Just in time for back to school and the soon to be back to routines, I am giving away a 5ml bottle of OnGuard! This wonderful oil is perfect for daily application to the bottom of your feet to help boost your immunity and fend off germs. It is also great for disinfecting your home and diffusing when someone has sniffles. You can also make pancakes with it that are super delicious and healthy!

Yes, I said pancakes – I’ll post the recipe at the bottom of this post. No purchase is necessary for this giveway so if you are not a current doTERRA customer this is a perfect chance to try one of the best oils doTERRA has to offer.  Winner will be announced in our August 31 blog post!

Here’s how to be entered to win:

  1. Be a follower of our blog by subscribing to it. You can receive it daily in your email!

  2. Like and comment on a post or two during the month. The more you like and comment the more chances you have to be entered

  3. Share the blog with a friend. When you recommend this blog let us know! You can email us or put it in the comments of one of the posts

  1. The Essential Life reference book is THE book to have in your hands. Even the most experienced user refers to this book for tips, information and resources. In the front of this book is a large listing of conditions and symptoms along with recommended oils for each. Then the book beautifully describes each oil in great detail and provides helpful uses and resources. It is a great compliment to natural essential oils.

By enrolling as a new customer this month and setting up your new loyalty incentive program participation for September, I will give you this book. (Value $20) My gift to you because I know firsthand how much this book will mean to you on your oil journey.


August Events

  1. Fall Immune Tune Up – This is a free self-paced 7 day learning series focusing on protecting and preventing illness as children head back to school and the seasons begin to change. We will focus on how to boost our immune systems using natural products and essential oils found in the doTERRA Immune Support Kit. This learning experience is free and open to all.

7-Day Immunity Tune-Up
  1. Summer Drop Series – CatalogThis is the last month to get access to the much raved about Summer Drop Series that we did in the month of June. This series has all kinds of tips on supporting your health and home with natural solutions! The videos, recipes and tips are saved in the special Facebook Group and cataloged for easy searching!  You can go through the information at your leisure or target a specific topic for your needs.

  2. Join the group here: 

Summer Drop Series
  1. Personalized Wellness ConsultationIf you are interested in natural solutions for your health and home but are not sure:

  2. Where to start

  3. What products are right for you

  4. If you are using your current products safely and correctly

  5. How to use them with your family or pets

  6. What brand is right for you

  7. What other ways you can use your oils and products

I invite you to a free 30 minute personalized wellness consultation with me!

In these sessions we will go through your specific needs and interests and I will recommend essential oils and natural products specific for you, answer your questions and provide any support you need. You may ask any questions you would like.  If you are interested in setting up a personal wellness consultation at a time that works for you, please email me at

  1.  Oil Camps

All new customers are automatically provided with a at-your-pace access to Oil Camps 1 and 2 as well as a series on Emotional Health. These camps provide you with information as a new oil user to use your oils safely, learn about fun ways they can support your health and access to our favorite tips. These are professionally made training materials that are completely free to my existing and new customers.

This is a wonderful way to start your oil journey or refresh on using oils effectively to support you and  your family.

  1. The summer edition of the doTERRA magazine is now available online for your summer reading pleasure!   Enjoy browsing online and then enroll with me to start getting this lovely publication in your mailbox!


summer edition

Free in August

We have 2 incredible offerings this month that come out to some wow level savings!

125PV LRP Order

If you participate in the Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) or you begin this month and place your qualifying order of 125PV by August 15 you have the opportunity to get a free 5ml bottle of OnGuard!

As one of doTERRA’s best-selling blends, doTERRA On Guard protects against environmental and seasonal threats with essential oils known for their positive effects on the immune system when ingested. doTERRA On Guard can be taken internally on a daily basis to maintain healthy immune function and support healthy cardiovascular function. It can also be used on surfaces throughout the home as a non-toxic cleaner. When diffused, doTERRA On Guard helps purify the air, and can be very energizing and uplifting.


  1. Add two to three drips in a veggie capsule for an immune boost

  2. Add to water for an effective all-purpose surface cleaner

  3. Soak sliced apples in water and a few drops for a healthy, immune-boosting snack.

  4. Combine a few drops of doTERRA On Guard with Fractionated Coconut Oil for a natural hand cleanser.

  5. MAKE PANCAKES! (see recipe at bottom of this page)


200PV Order by August 31 (does not have to be on LRP)

Now this is the sweet deal for LRP and anyone not on LRP yet or that is just getting their wholesale membership this month!

For existing LRP customers

If you place your 200 PV LRP order by August 15, you can get the free 5ml OnGuard PLUS this you get the exclusive 15ML Manuka Touch AND a 15ML Litsea oil!!

If you place your LRP order after August 15, you get just the Manuka Touch and Litesa.

For new customers enrolling this month or existing customers not on LRP, you can still get this deal!

To get these 2 free oils, you need to enroll in August and place a 200PV order. I list out how to do that most economically in the next section of this post.

If you are an existing customer not on LRP you simply need to place a 200PV order and then seriously call me so we can get you saving more regularly through the LRP incentive program. SERIOUSLY, let’s talk and get you saving some real money!

What’s cool about these 2 oils

I have friends who intentionally make connections with groups that trade doTERRA oils in Europe and Australia just to get these 2 oils because they are not currently available in the US.

This special is $67 in free products for exclusive, not currently available items!!

Manuka Touch:

Native to New Zealand and Australia, all part of the manuka plant (Leptospermum scoparium) have been used for centuries in traditional health practices. Commonly used before or during mediation or yoga, Manuka Touch helps to ground and center your energies and emotions. It also helps promote courage and inner strength. Manuka Touch also helps to keep skin clean, clear, and reduce the appearance of blemishes.


Native to East Asia, Litsea has been used by the indigenous people of Taiwan in traditional health for hundreds of years. Litsea can be used as a spot treatment to help reduce the appearance of blemishes. It also blends well with Lavender, Sandalwood, and Frankincense to promote feelings of balance.

litesa and manuka

How to Maximize Savings in August

If you are interested in starting to use oils, this is a good month to begin. doTERRA’s specials are catered to the new users so that you have a very economical way to begin your oil journey but there is always a few ways to capitalize on those savings even more. Here are my recommended options:

Option 1: Cherry On Top

I love doTERRA and it’s made a huge difference in our home. I believe in it so much that I’m willing to share my commission with you to help you get started using these incredible natural products. That means with this option I will send you $55 from my own pocket out of the commission I receive from your enrollment.

To take advantage of this option here’s what you do:

  1. Enroll as a new wholesale customer by clicking the “Become A Member” on my website at

  2. Select the Natural Solutions kit as your introductory product selection

Total Cost: $550

Savings: $437.15 

56% off

  1. $55 cash to you from me once we setup your loyalty incentive program for September. I will contact you as soon as you enroll to setup a time to review what these benefits are and get you setup in that program

  2. 100 points applied to your account from doTERRA to use as you wish on other products. (That’s $100 in doTERRA cash)

  3. 15% point accumulation percentage on all LRP orders (all other customers start at 10%) that you can use on other products along with your 100 points above

  4. FREE Gift – Wellness Consultation that I will schedule with you personalize your Loyalty Rewards to align the right products from doTERRA to fit you

  5. FREE The Essential Life reference book, when you setup your Loyalty Rewards Program order

  6. $228.95 savings on the products contained in this kit

  7. $45 savings on a FREE Manuka Touch

  8. $22 savings on a FREE Litsea oil

This is the most savings I’ve ever seen for a new customer and on something that will completely change your life.

Option 2:  Stylin Savings

If you’re looking to have oils in your life but option 1 just seems to big of a jump, here’s another option that still reaps mega savings for your pocketbook and gets you the right oils in your life.

To take advantage of this option here’s what you do:

  1. Enroll as a new wholesale customer by clicking the “Become A Member” on my website at

  2. Select the Family Essentials kit as your introductory product selection

Total Cost: $275

Savings: $239.45 

53% off

  1. FREE Gift – Wellness Consultation that I will schedule with you personalize your Loyalty Rewards to align the right products from doTERRA to fit you

  2. FREE The Essential Life reference book, when you setup your Loyalty Rewards Program order

  3. $86.25 savings on the products contained in this kit

  4. $45 savings on a FREE Manuka Touch

  5. $22 savings on a FREE Litsea oil

In this option you’re still getting the 2 free exclusive oils and an incredible amount of product plus a great diffuser so you can enjoy all of them as you start to learn about them.

Option 3: Own Drumbeat

This option is for the person who wants to carve their own path with natural health products and truly customize that experience for their needs while maximizing savings potential.

In this option I recommend:

  1. Enroll by selecting the initial membership fee – $35

  2. Select Life Long Vitality Supplements -$79.50

  3. customize this kit to include:

  4. Mito2Max $20

  5. DigestZen TerraZyme $20

  6. PB Assist+ – $20

  7. Select the HD Clear Skincare kit – $41.40 discounted price

  8. doTERRA Luxury Spa Kit – $42

  9. doTERRA Natural Deodrant – $8.50

  10. Lavender Touch – $13.75

  11. Melaluca Touch – $12.50

  12. Peppermint Beadlet – $11.50

Total Cost: $262.15

Savings: $134

66% off

  1. FREE Gift – Wellness Consultation that I will schedule with you personalize your Loyalty Rewards to align the right products from doTERRA to fit you

  2. FREE The Essential Life reference book, if you setup your Loyalty Rewards Program order for August

  3. $45 savings on a FREE Manuka Touch

  4. $22 savings on a FREE Litsea oil

This order equals 200.75 PV so you can get the 2 free exclusive oils.

If you’re interested in doTERRA’s oils and products and are not currently working with anyone, please let me know. I’m happy to help you and answer any questions you have so that you get the right products for your needs.

Interested in more?

If you are ready to start using natural products to support and enhance your health, I recommend considering doTERRA. Their products are carefully curated and crafted to be 100% pure with no added chemicals, fillers or synthetics.  I’m happy to help with any questions you have to help you can make the right choice for you and your family.

Don’t forget to get the OnGuard Pancake Recipe below!

it's time to feel good (2)
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